Aspiration Awaken Yourself With Aspiration Jyoti and her friend had a conversation at a New Year's party. "Jyoti, what is your New Year resolution for the coming year?" Jyoti replied "To sing better". "But you
Discipline Challenges on the Path of Discipline Consider these situations:A child is playing with her toys enthusiastically. As soon as its mother asks her to put away her toys and clean up she suddenly feels lethargic
Discipline Disciplining Different Parts of Your Being. PhysicalThe body cannot function without strict discipline. Digestion, growth, blood-circulation, everything, everything is a discipline. Thought, movement, gestures, everything is a discipline, and if there is no discipline, people immediately
Discipline Discipline From the Deep Resonance When you want to form a new habit, check where the push is coming from. Is it purely because you mentally know that it is good for you? Do you
Discipline Going Beyond Activity Trackers and Motivation to Cultivate Discipline Using fear, punishments or harshness are unhealthy ways of inculcating discipline into oneself or others. We can create crystal-clear activity logs or emotionally-charged posters to push us into a desirable
Discipline Introduce a Two-Minute ‘Good Morning’ Practice and a ‘Good Night’ Practice into Your Life! As soon as you wake up, greet yourself with a cheerful ‘Good Morning’ and a smile. Spend two minutes on experiencing the joy of being alive, of waking up and
Discipline The Truth of Discipline When we mention the word ‘discipline’, some imagery of negative enforcement is not uncommon. Harsh strictness or force, either from within or outside, do not uphold the spirit of discipline.
Discipline Discipline at Work Whatever your work may be, discipline is indispensable for being efficient and productive. It is realised that work or life without discipline would soon become confusion and an anarchic failure.
Discipline Why Should You be Disciplined? Think of a goal that you wanted to manifest. To achieve it, you wished to wake up an hour earlier from the next day and work towards it. When the
Sincerity Sincerity Practice of the Week If you want inspiration to be sincere then read the biographies and stories of those who have been brave enough to follow their inner truths even in the face of
Sincerity Some More Practices to be Sincere Last week we saw how observing our mind can help us to develop sincerity. One of the best ways to embed that into our lives is to start a journal.
Newsletter Sincerity Practice of the Week Create a list of situations where you feel insincere. Are there people who you stay quiet around because you are afraid to say what you think, or tasks that drain
Newsletter Practices to Be Sincere We saw that the key to cultivating sincerity is to look within ourselves in an honest, direct way. We can begin this journey with a very simple practice. Simply ask
Sincerity Inviting Sincerity in our lives ContemplateHow can you be more sincere in your life? Practice of the WeekReflect on the last big decision you made in your life and what your motivation was. When you
Newsletter How to Be Sincere? Last week we saw it is in our nature to deceive ourselves, but the good news is that we can cultivate sincerity. First we can notice the justifications we give
Sincerity Associations with the word “Sincerity” ContemplateWhen you think about the word sincerity what comes to mind. Are there specific images, or sounds or sensations or feelings? Practice of the WeekLook for an opportunity to speak
Sincerity What is Sincerity? Last week we saw why sincerity is important, but what is it? Sincerity means the absence of pretence, deceit or hypocrisy. It goes beyond honesty, requiring earnestness in all you
Newsletter Experiencing Sincerity Contemplate What is your experience of sincerity so far? When was the last time you encountered it and what happened? Practice of the Week Start an sincerity journal to review
Newsletter Why Sincerity Matters? Do you ever have problems falling asleep because of a feeling of anxiety and unease, a feeling that something you did or said that day wasn’t quite right? This
Beauty Invoking Beauty Practice for the WeekWhen you take a shower pay attention to how your body is moving. Notice if there is a sense of harmony, or whether any movements feel awkward.
Beauty Practices for Bringing Beauty in Life So far we have seen the importance of beauty, what it is and how to cultivate it. The following practices can bring a sense of beauty into your life. Beauty
Beauty Beauty, Contemplate and Practice Question for ContemplationHow can you bring more order- and beauty - into your life? Practice for the WeekSpend a few minutes really looking at your bedroom. Notice what is there
Beauty How to Cultivate Beauty? It is difficult for even the best pianist to play beautiful music if their instrument is damaged and out of tune. Any sound they make will be incomparable to the
Beauty What is Beauty? Contemplate and Practice Question for ContemplationWhen you think about the word beauty what comes to mind? Are there specific images, or sounds or sensations or feelings? Practice for the Week Bring beauty to
Beauty What is Beauty? Last week we saw that beauty connects us to what is true and pure within ourselves. But what exactly is beauty? Beauty is the way the divine expresses itself in