Aspiration Awaken Your Aspiration From August 1st 2021 to August 15th 2021, we are sharing one newsletter each day, summarising each theme of the month covered over the past year. In January 2021, we
Aspiration Aspiration Summary Aspiration is a dynamic push of your whole nature behind the resolution to reach the Divine.
Aspiration Aspiration Compilation Aspiration is a turning upward of the inner being with a call, yearning, prayer for the Divine, for the Truth, for the Consciousness, Peace, Ananda, Knowledge, descent of Divine Force or whatever else is the aim of one’s endeavour.
Aspiration Practice of the Week: Sustaining and Intensifying your Aspiration Last week we converted our raw aspiration into actions for us to practice, by creating a habits chart. How consistent have you been with practicing them? When we first discover
Aspiration Common Challenges while Focusing on your Aspiration Many of us may make promises to ourselves to eat healthier, go to the gym or another activity towards one of our goals. It is exciting in the beginning when
Aspiration Practice of the Week: Translating Aspiration to Action Last week we gave our aspiration a physical form. Let us now invoke that energy and translate the pure energy into material action. Sit in a quiet place with your
Aspiration Invoking Aspiration A magic leverage suddenly is caught That moves the veiled Ineffable’s timeless will: A prayer, a master act, a king idea Can link man’s strength to a transcendent
Aspiration Practice of the Week: Verbally or Visually Representing your Aspiration Last week we attempted to experience aspiration. Now let us give it a physical form. Sit in your room/undisturbed space and have a paper, pen, pencil, colours and some
Aspiration Identifying Aspiration Have you felt a gentle tug, a quiet nudge to pursue something that brings out some goodness in you and fills you with a calm happiness? This is aspiration. Aspiration
Aspiration The Practice of the Week: Discovering your Aspiration List down goals that interest you. For each goal, ask yourself why it interests you. Is it outcome driven (richness, popularity), ego driven (‘I want to prove how good I
Aspiration Awaken Yourself With Aspiration Jyoti and her friend had a conversation at a New Year's party. "Jyoti, what is your New Year resolution for the coming year?" Jyoti replied "To sing better". "But you