Introduction An International University Centre These three articles were first published in the Bulletin of Physical Education (later renamed Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International centre of Education) between 1949 and 1955.
Gratitude Gratitude Compilation This compilation from the works of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo has been prepared by a student as part of her learning journey.
Gratitude Gratitude Summary This is a summary of a compilation made from the works of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. The summary was prepared by a student as part of her learning journey which includes making of the compilation.
Sri Aurobindo A Preface on National Education - II We have still to formulate more positively what the idea means to us, the principle and the form that national education must take in India, the thing to be achieved and the method and turn to be given to the endeavour.
Sri Aurobindo A Preface on National Education - I The necessity and unmixed good of universal education has become a fixed dogma to the modern intelligence, a thing held to be beyond dispute by any liberal mind or awakened national conscience...
Sri Aurobindo National Education National Education. Circa 1916 18. Editorial title. An isolated paragraph from a notebook used by Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry.
Sri Aurobindo Message for National Education Week (1918) Sri Aurobindo wrote this message at the request of Annie Besant, a leader of the Home Rule movement and the editor of New India, a newspaper of Madras. It was published in New India on 8 April 1918, under the heading: “MESSAGES FROM SONS OF THE MOTHERLAND TO THEIR BROTHERS”.
Newsletter Email College It is not by books that Sri Aurobindo ought to be studied but by subjects — what he has said on the Divine, on Unity, on religion, on evolution, on education, on self-perfection, on supermind, etc., etc. (The Mother)
Mental Education The Human Mind An essay by Sri Aurobindo originally published in 1910. Here Sri Aurobindo gives the three principles of true teaching.
Mental Education The Training of the Logical Faculty An essay by Sri Aurobindo originally published in 1910.
Mental Education The Training of the Mental Faculties An essay by Sri Aurobindo originally published in 1910.
Mental Education Sense-Improvement by Practice An essay by Sri Aurobindo originally published in 1910.
Sri Aurobindo on National Education Simultaneous and Successive Teaching An essay by Sri Aurobindo first published in 1910.
Mental Education The Powers of the Mind Four layers of the mind - from an essay by Sri Aurobindo first published in 1910.
Introduction Three Principles of True Teaching The first principle of true teaching is that nothing can be taught. The second principle is that the mind has to be consulted in its own growth. The third principle of education is to work from the near to the far, from that which is to that which shall be.