Over the past few weeks we have explored Integral Health. Is a healthy mind-energy-body combination alone sufficient?

While Integral health is a part of integral living, there is more to it.

The core of integral living is to find an aim of life.  A life that has no purpose is open to all sorts of influences and forces, which may be negative and use your life for their gain or pleasure. At best, it is like a leaf being randomly blown around in the wind.

The purpose is something intrinsic, something deep within us, and not externalised like money, fame or the conventional meaning of success. It is like an inner light that helps one navigate through tough times. A healthy body, life-energy and mind are helpful tools to realise and live our purpose.

If one stays in their comfort zone and the basic necessities of life are taken care of, the drive to discover and live one’s purpose might be lost. While security is a need for human beings, it must not become the goal of life. Security must come from the fact that there is a Divine spark or light in each person, and this will act as a guide even in challenging times. One must make the effort to connect to and honour its purpose. Acting from this space will also help in improving the fitness of the tools.

One must always ask themselves: Which direction am I going in? Where am I supposed to reach? Asking these questions will bring you closer to your life’s purpose.

Connect to your inner light and allow your purpose to flower through a healthy body, life-energy and mind. This way, when the time comes, one can greet death like an old friend and gracefully transition to the next stage, knowing that they lived their lives integrally.

Practice of the Week: Listening to your Inner Voice

Take a few minutes everyday to ask yourself the questions that go beyond operational issues and handling one wave of life after another. What are you actually doing in your life? Is this what you want to do? What does your innermost being yearn for? What is your truth?

Do not think; do not mentalise the activity. Just ask yourself these questions and listen closely. There is an inner voice in you waiting to talk to you. All you have to do is silence the noise caused by your desires and mind’s doubts and listen to this voice. Give a few minutes to this silent voice that speaks the purpose of your life. The answers will begin to emerge.

Here is a short video by Dr. Alok Pandey on “The Core of Integral Living”

Webinar on “Integral Health” with Dr Alok Pandey

Come, join us for a short conversation with Dr Alok Pandey on 28th March, 8:00-9:00 pm on Integral Health.

Registration Link : https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0vcuuupj4rG9dMQ5FF_RIFtD_fA8KMUtND

Svādhyāya 3.0 applications are now open!

Svādhyāya is a 8 week learning journey for seekers of Integral Knowledge, who wish to embark on an inner adventure through the foundations of Integral Yoga Psychology in light of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.

Apply now at https://svadhyaya.auroville.org

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