Courage Courage Summary Integral courage: whatever the domain, whatever the danger, the attitude remains the same—calm and assured.
Courage Courage Compilation Courage: bold, it faces all dangers. Courage is a sign of the soul's nobility. But courage must be calm and master of itself, generous and benevolent. In true courage there is no impatience and no rashness.
Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga Compilation Man has a power to educate: his body can be developed, educated. He can increase certain faculties. You cannot imagine any animal, even among those we most admire, which is capable, for instance, of physical education, purely physical... a systematic development of the muscles.
Emotions Emotional Being Compilation This compilation from the works of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo has been prepared by a student as part of her learning journey. ContentsWhat is Higher Vital/Emotional Being?Where
Emotions Emotional Being Summary Our emotions are the waves of reaction and response which rise up from the basic consciousness.
Love Love Summary Love is one of the great universal forces; it exists by itself and its movement is free and independent of the objects in which and through which it manifests.
Aspiration Aspiration Summary Aspiration is a dynamic push of your whole nature behind the resolution to reach the Divine.
Aspiration Aspiration Compilation Aspiration is a turning upward of the inner being with a call, yearning, prayer for the Divine, for the Truth, for the Consciousness, Peace, Ananda, Knowledge, descent of Divine Force or whatever else is the aim of one’s endeavour.
Discipline Discipline Compilation To live and act under control or according to a standard of what is right—not to allow the vital or the physical to do whatever they like and not to let the mind run about according to its fancy without truth or order.
Discipline Discipline Summary By discipline or positive practice we confirm in ourselves the truth of things, truth of being, truth of knowledge, truth of love, truth of works and replace with these the falsehoods that have overgrown and perverted our nature.
Sincerity Sincerity Summary Every act of sincerity carries in itself its own reward: the feeling of purification, of soaring upwards, of liberation one gets when one has rejected even one tiny particle of falsehood.
Sincerity Sincerity Compilation By perfect sincerity we mean that all our thoughts, feelings, sensations and actions should express nothing but the central Truth of our being.