Utthita Padasana

Asana: Lie on your back with your arms by your side, palms facing downwards. Keep your legs straight and together. Slowly raise your legs while keeping them together, without curling your toes, until they are at a 45 degree angle. Keep your lower back pressed to the ground. Bring your legs back to the floor while keeping them straight and together.

Benefits: This is an excellent asana for strengthening the abdomen area. It also relieves one of lower back pain, strengthens the leg muscles and aids in curing indigestion.  

Practice: Begin with holding the posture for ten seconds. Try holding your legs steadily at the 45 degree mark without moving them up and down. Once you have steadied the position for ten seconds, increase the duration to 20 seconds, 30 seconds and so on.

Webinar on Practicing Hatha Yoga with Anahita Sanjana

Last week, Integral Education portal hosted a webinar to go deeper into the true essence of Hatha Yoga and how one can consciously use this tool to deepen one’s progress and to make utmost use of this tool as a bridge between the physical life and the innermost spark.

The facilitator of the session was Anahita Sanjana who is a Yoga instructor and practitioner who explores the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and carries a deep foundation in the Integrality of Yoga.

Happy to share with you the recording of the webinar:

Theme for July:
How can you be more authentic? How can you act fearlessly towards your goals? We explore these questions and more in the upcoming month. The theme for the month of July is Courage. Stay tuned!

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