Take the Leap

A Deep Conversation on Courage with 3 Students Who have been Collectively Diving Deep into the 12 Qualities of the Mother since 2 years*

Courage is one quality that paves way to keep moving ahead always, in the face of all circumstances. It enables one to realise it's truest and highest potential, and to take charge of one's actions.

Priya, Pooja and Kamini are a group of students who are sadhaks of Integral Yoga and have done a deep study of the quality of courage in an effort to let it percolate in all dimensions of their lives. They would be sharing key insights, learning and major shifts that they experienced during this exploration.

We invite everyone for an interaction on Courage on *31st July 2021 (Saturday) at 6:30 PM IST.*

Register now:


Courage is our theme for July 2021, and this would be our concluding session of the Month! Subscribe to our newsletters: https://ie.auroville.org/#subscribe

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