Associations with and Stages of Love!


When you think about the word love what comes to mind. Are there specific images, or sounds or sensations or feelings?

Practice of the Week: Stages of Love!

There are many different stages at which we can experience love.

Stage 1: To begin with we love only when we are loved.

Stage 2: We are able to open more to love but still need something in return.

Stage 3: As we expand our hearts more we can love others who do not love us, but we still want them to accept our love.

Stage 4: Finally we are able to love purely and simply, free of needs, purely for the joy of loving.

Reflect on the relationships in your life and see at which stages of love you operate from in each of your relationships. Becoming aware is the first step to change and transformation. It is possible that in a single relationship itself you operate from different stages, that at times you are able to purely and unconditionally love but at other times, you need something in return. Taking an overview of all your relationships will help you know which is the central “stage” from which you operate.

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